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Histories and Matters of Concern Review

Analysing Reality

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A Summary:

This blog explores the concepts and arguments of different topics of matters of concern including the climate crisis, Gothic and Roman architecture and Domus. Each post analyses both the content and the principles behind the topic in depth, discovering different points of view.


Architectural design has to take into account many different matters of concern in order to become a successful project and catering to the clients' needs. Without matters of concern, modern architectural design wouldn't be as well understood.

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Rethinking Design: The Unfiltered Manifesto

This is my manifesto on the safety of women in architecture and what needs to be done to make a change.

How important are documentaries?

Documentaries are vital to shaping our influence on the world, but how actually important are they? 'They serve as powerful tools that...

Accountability: Who decides history?

'While the loudest, most apparent voice present in media may be that of the writer, news anchor or photographer, the most powerful is the...

Gender: What is a Man and what is a Woman?

What is the difference between sex and gender? Sex and gender can be defined through personal interpretation and people identify as...

Japanese Architecture: Explaining the Residential

How is a traditional Japanese house arranged? Japanese houses are very open unlike many European houses. Sliding doors are very common...

Mannerism: From Michelangelo to Palladio

Villa Capra 'La Rotonda' This lecture focused on the ideas of Mannerism and the architects and artists within this time period. It was...

The Renaissance: Rebirth from Greece and Rome

The Renaissance Santa Maria del Fiore, Italy This lecture focused on the histories and methodologies of the Renaissance period between...

Design and Ethnicity

How important is equality and ethnicity in design? Black Lives Matter Protest Movement This lecture focused on the topic of ethnicity and...

Domus across the World

What is Domus and why is it important? Ait Benhaddou, Morocco This lecture focused on the idea of Domus and how different people dwell in...

Gothic Architecture and Medieval Domesticity

Gothic Architecture Chartres Cathedral, France (1194 - 1220) This lecture focused on the architectural style of the Gothic era and its...

God's Architecture and The Politics of Architecture

God's Architecture This lecture reflected upon the concept of how different religious beliefs shape the design of religious buildings and...

Thinking Architecture: From the Greeks to the Gothic

Thinking Architecture: Greece and Rome This lecture reflected on the concept of how architecture can take on many forms and functions...

Home: Blog2

"There is much to learn from architecture before it became an expert's art"

Rudofsky B.1964 Academy Editions, London

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